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Gina Economopoulos


Gina's Inspiration

FAITH has guided me through dark times,

giving me the strength to persevere and find redemption.


RESILIENCE in the face of numerous challenges from a young age has taught me to be determined to keep pushing forward despite adversity.


THE DESIRE TO HELP OTHERS through my story and provide hope to those suffering from loss, addiction, or spiritual crises is my calling. I pray my experiences resonate and make a positive impact in the world.


GRATITUDE to find joy in simple pleasures.


GODS LOVE in knowing now He has carried me through.

Jesus looked at them and said,

 “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

~ Matthew 19:26


Born and raised in the vibrant community of Syosset, New York, Gina Economopoulos emerged as the seventh child in a family of eight whose roots were deeply intertwined in an Italian and Greek-loving family. She grew up in a Catholic traditional upbringing with unconditional love from her parents.


Despite facing numerous surgeries from a young age, each shaped her into the resilient individual she is today. With a degree in social science from Eastern CT State University, she ventured to Harrisburg in 1989, where she seamlessly blended her social work background with bartending, embodying the essence of hospitality.


Following the loss of her mother to cancer in 1992, she embarked on a spiritual journey that led her to the convent for twelve years before caring for adults with disabilities. Settling on the tranquil shores of the Jersey Shore in 2010, she encountered love and loss, finding solace in sobriety through Alcoholics Anonymous.


Today, as an End of Life Doula, she extends her compassionate heart to those in their final chapter, grounded in faith and guided by the wisdom of the scriptures. She is also very much involved in the rooms of AA in service and reaching out to other alcoholics. Whether enjoying simple pleasures like playing golf, shooting pool, traveling, or going to the beach, she navigates life's journey with gratitude and grace, forever grateful for the blessings that adorn her path.


Inspiring Speaker & Guest

Gina is more than a national bestselling author; she is an inspirational speaker whose message resonates deeply with audiences. With life's inevitable struggles leaving many searching for meaning and resilience, Gina's memoir Shake The Dust Off Your Feet and Walk provides the perfect narrative guide. As both a spiritual seeker and survivor of addiction, grief, and personal trauma, Gina offers a unique perspective on confronting life's darkest moments and finding the strength to persevere.


Gina provides incredible wisdom to anyone facing personal battles. Her poignant storytelling offers vulnerable insights and tangible guidance on cultivating the faith, mindset, and fortitude needed for healing. Audiences are left inspired by the same perseverance that allowed Gina to reclaim her life's purpose.


Gina's raw, authentic voice provides profound empathy and hope, and while she routinely delivers custom content, with her most popular topics including:


From Darkness to Light: Finding Hope and Purpose Amidst Life’s Struggles

  • In this talk, Gina shares her personal journey through loss, addiction, and a crisis of faith. She explores how to navigate feelings of hopelessness and despair, offering practical advice on finding hope and a sense of purpose. Audiences will be inspired by her resilience and guided by her insights on embracing faith and perseverance to overcome life's darkest moments.

The Power of Faith: Rediscovering Spirituality After Personal Trauma

  • Drawing from her experiences as a former nun and her struggles with alcoholism, Gina discusses the profound impact of faith on healing and personal growth. She addresses the challenges of maintaining spirituality during times of crisis and provides strategies for reconnecting with a Higher Power. This talk is ideal for those seeking spiritual renewal and guidance in their personal and professional lives.

Healing Through Service: The Role of Compassion and Empathy in Overcoming Grief

  • As an End-of-Life Doula and a dedicated member of Alcoholics Anonymous, Gina speaks on the transformative power of helping others. She highlights how acts of service and empathy can aid in personal healing and foster a deeper sense of community. This presentation is perfect for audiences interested in the intersection of personal healing, community service, and the therapeutic benefits of compassion.

Please contact us today to learn more about featuring Shake The Dust Off Your Feet and Walk, interviewing Gina, or booking her for an insightful speaking engagement.

Interviews / Podcasts

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