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  • Writer's pictureGina Economopoulos


My Journey of Healing Through Writing and Recovery

Gina Econ

I am still in awe, knowing that my memoir, Shake the Dust Off Your Feet and Walk, has been published and became a bestseller. Writing about my experience of trauma in my life has been my greatest gift. From pain to peace, darkness to light, God has been with me and inspired me to share. Finally, I am happy, joyous, and free within. My heart and soul were searching for it, and I never thought it would be found in a 12-step program.

My involvement with Alcoholics Anonymous and the impact of the program supported and loved me until I could love myself. I had become a prisoner of my own creation. Admitting I was an alcoholic on April 2, 2015, I was unaware of my first step to freedom. Listening to others sharing their experience, strength, and hope helped me on my slow journey in a new relationship with God.


Nowadays, living my experience is different from writing it; I became aware that I have to practice what I wrote. Since it's been published, I had to reread my memoir. When life brings challenges today, I know where I need to turn, not only to God and the program's tools but also to my past experience. God does not give up on me, and every challenge is an opportunity to shake the dust off my feet and walk with Him in faith, trust, and hope and to continue to grow happy, joyous, and free.

Shake The Dust Off Your Feet And Walk

It isn't easy! We all have challenges that seem hopeless and dark, including myself. We each have our own journey to finding that freedom and peace within, and for me, it's practicing what I have learned and experienced. So join me in reading my memoir, and follow me on my blog. Together, we can shake the dust off our feet and walk.


I invite each one of you to reach out and share my message of hope with someone today.


With a grateful heart,


Gina Econ

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