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  • Writer's pictureGina Economopoulos


Shake The Dust Off Your Feet And Walk

God's Time to Heal

The Day has excited that my first copy of my memoir, Shake the Dust Off Your Feet and Walk, has arrived. I feel immense joy as a first-time author holding my book and signing the first copy to my best friend and long-life partner, Brian, whose unconditional love, support, and encouragement have brought excitement into my heart.


Now, I am an author, and it is unbelievable. English class was not my best subject yet speaking from my heart is. When people heard my story, many said, “You should write a book!” At the time, I was not ready; my heart was filled with anger and not in the right place. Yet I knew I had a story to tell, and in God’s time, it would happen. Well, today is God’s time.


My memoir is being launched in hopes that God will put it in the hands of those who need to hear my journey of triumph over darkness and faith in a power greater than ourselves. I wrote it to heal myself and to share and help those find their own healing, faith, and hope in their struggles. Remember—you are not alone; together, we can shake the dust off our feet and walk this journey of life with God in peace.

Shake the Dust Off Your Feet and Walk

My memoir, Shake the Dust Off Your Feet and Walk is available now on Amazon. Spread the word! There is someone we know who needs that spark of hope and light in their lives now. Let my experience inspire you to live your life in hope and peace.


I invite you to share your comments on my website,


With a Grateful Heart, 


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Karen Economopoulos
Karen Economopoulos
Aug 11

Execellent read and certainly helpful for those looking for hope and God’s peace ❤️ Great Job Gina!

Gina Economopoulos
Gina Economopoulos
Aug 12
Replying to

Thank you so much for your love and support.


Steve Econ
Steve Econ
Aug 01

Congratulations to a wonderful person and for the courage to speak your story to those in need. “Blessed are the poor in spirt, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”

Gina Economopoulos
Gina Economopoulos
Aug 14
Replying to

Thank you, God is good

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